The OECD and the Government of Ukraine today launched a four-year Country Programme that will support Ukraine’s agenda for reform, recovery and reconstruction and will help Ukraine advance its ambitions to join the OECD and the European Union.

The Programme was signed in Paris at the OECD’s Meeting of the Council at Ministerial Level (MCM) by OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann and in Kyiv by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, who joined the MCM online.

“Since our last MCM, the OECD has continued to further deepen and strengthen our co-operation with Ukraine. We have expanded our work in support of Ukraine’s reform agenda, provided inputs to the country’s National Recovery and Development Plan and have worked closely with international partners to co-ordinate our support,” OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann said. “The Country Programme we have signed today has been developed in close co-operation with, and reflects the priorities of, the government of Ukraine with its focus on stronger institutions and governance, continuing the fight against corruption, attracting private sector investment, and laying the foundations for long-term well-being and opportunities for its people. It will help bring Ukraine closer to OECD standards and good policy practices and ultimately also support Ukraine’s accession to the EU. The implementation of the Ukraine Country Program will be coordinated on the ground in Kyiv by our dedicated team in our OECD-Ukraine Liaison Office, opened earlier this year and headed by Dr Rosaria Puglisi.”