Welcome to Parker Russell

We are a firm of chartered accountants and a leading international audit, tax and advisory firm. We work as one integrated team and cultural understanding to deliver exceptional and tailored services in audit and accounting, as well as tax, financial advisory, consulting and legal services. We provide a full range of financial and business services to enterprises and individuals, helping them to achieve growth, long-term success and their ambitions. We make business personal by devoting ourselves to building relationships.

We are Vietnam members of the international network Parker Russell International. Through our Parker Russell International membership, we can provide premier accounting, assurance, tax and specialist business advice worldwide, drawing on internationally recognised industry and service line experts in 75 countries.

Services we offer

Our clients’ long-term sustainable growth is our top priority. We provide a complete and flexible range of services to our clients in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services. Our united approach is designed to control a global talent pool and serve organisations of all sizes, from SMEs to the largest multinational corporations. We continuously invest in developing solid sectoral expertise to provide our clients with the best, most relevant services.

Audit & Assurance

Financial Reporting and Audit The impact of information technology is changing the way organisations do...

Corporate secretarial services

The company secretary is responsible for the administration of the company. This includes ensuring the...

Tax services

Tax services Tax laws regularly change, creating new challenges and areas of potential vulnerability. With...

Industries we support

Travel, Leisure and Tourism

Helping travel clients turn turbulent times into one of opportunity Whether you are a tour...

Professional Practices

Nurturing strong relationships in a changing world With intensifying competition, changing legislation and best practice,...

Property & Construction

Nurturing strong relationships in a changing world Parker Russell Vietnam is active in property matters...

Manufacturing & Retail

A strategic advantage in today’s competitive consumer marketplace. With pressure to improve margins, convert market and...

Latest news

Inspection Direction in 2025

INSPECTION DIRECTION IN 2025 On October 23, 2024, the Government Inspectorate(“GI”) issued Official Letter No....


2025年税務調査対象企業の選定基準は? 2024年10月23日に政府査察機関は「2025年監査プログラムの方針」に関するオフィシャルレター2220/TTCP-KHTH号を発行した。それによると、本オフィシャルレターでは、監査活動が法令で定められた権限、機能、任務、権利、手続き、順序に従って実施される必要があることが明確に示されている。 特に、行政監査および業種・分野の監査を中心に、リスクの高い業種や分野に属する企業を対象とすることが強調されている。具体的な内容は以下の通りである。 税務総局 リスクの高い業種・分野に属する企業の調査 石油・ガソリン、石油製品、電力、通信、銀行、保険、証券、リースファイナンス、医薬品、不動産、建設、貴金属・宝石加工、娯楽、広告メディア、電子商取引などの業種 長年にわたり調査が行われていない大規模企業 資本、商標、プロジェクトの譲渡が発生している企業 株式配当とボーナス株式を発行している企業 関連取引や移転価格があり、長年赤字を計上している、もしくは同業種・分野の企業と比較して著しく低い業績を示している企業。 インボイス関連のリスクが高い企業 税金還付や詐欺やリスクの兆候がある企業 優遇税制を受けている企業 二重課税回避協定に基づく税控除申請を行った企業 銀行監査機関や税関から提供された疑わしい取引情報を持つ企業...

Guidance on registering of personal deductions for dependents