To ensure timely guidance for organizations and individuals in performing Personal Income Tax (PIT) finalization in accordance with the current PIT law and tax management regulations, the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department provides the following instructions for PIT finalization in 2024 for businesses in Ho Chi Minh City, individuals paying income to employees (hereinafter referred to as income-paying organizations), and individuals directly settling PIT with the tax authority.

According to Official Letter 2015/CTTPHCM-TTHT dated 27 February 2025, the following entities are required to perform PIT finalization:

1. For individuals who directly settle their personal income tax (PIT)

  • Individuals with income from multiple sources who do not meet the conditions for authorization must self-settle their tax if there is additional tax payable or if they wish to request a refund/offset.
  • Individuals who are present in Vietnam for less than 183 days in the first calendar year but are present in Vietnam for 183 days or more in any continuous 12-month period starting from the first day of their arrival in Vietnam, the first finalization year will be the 12-month period from the first day of their arrival in Vietnam.
  • Foreigners who terminate their contracts must settle their taxes before leaving the country or authorize an organization to do so on their behalf.
  • Individuals receiving income from foreign sources or international organizations, which has not been subject to tax withholding, must self-settle their taxes.
  • Individuals eligible for tax reductions due to natural disasters, serious illnesses, etc., must self-file their tax finalization.

2. For organizations and individuals paying income

  • Must file personal income tax (PIT) settlements, even if no tax withholding has occurred.
  • Must settle taxes on behalf of individuals who have authorized them, except in cases where authorization is not allowed.
  • The organization receiving personnel from the old organization (due to merger, consolidation, etc.) is responsible for filing tax finalization for the income paid by the old organization.
  • Enterprises that dissolve, go bankrupt, or cease operations are required to file personal income tax (PIT) settlements up to the date of cessation of activities. In the case of a business undergoing a transformation (excluding state-owned enterprises undergoing privatization), where the newly transformed entity assumes all tax liabilities of the original enterprise, it is not obligated to file PIT finalization up to the decision date of the transformation. The business must file PIT finalization at the end of the fiscal year.

3. Authorization for Tax Settlement

  • Individuals who have an employment contract of 3 months or more with an organization and are still employed at the time of tax finalization may authorize someone, even if they have not worked for a full 12 months within the calendar year.
  • Individuals with a labor contract of 3 months or more at one place of employment and who are still working at the time of tax settlement, even if they have not worked for the full 12 months in the calendar year, and who have casual income not exceeding VND 10 million per month, which has been subject to a 10% tax withholding, do not need to request a finalization for this income.
  • If an individual who has authorized tax finalization later discovers that they are required to file a tax return themselves, the income-paying organization must issue a withholding tax certificate so that the individual can file the tax return directly.